Sometimes things are not what they seem to be...

He shall reign!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Boredom make u do stupid things

Wore tube socks with shorts?
- wads that
Made your hair an unnatural color?
- not a chance
Past gas in public,and blamed it on the person beside you?
- -_-"
Seen a three legged dog?
- my aunt's dog walks like it is
Taken money from grannie?
- yup! alot!
Wear torn jeans?
- nope, im not a begger
Said the wrong name, at the wrong time?
- all the time
Hade a wedgie?
- this is singapore...
Given one?
- one what?!
Hade a swirrly?
- gross, obviously not!
Given one?
- this again...
Stuck your tonge on a frozen pole?
- frozen ice yes haha
Thought you were gonna die?
- yup many times
Hade tohade to deal with some one you could'nt stand?
- wad?! the person who made this got epilepsy
Hated anyone?
- yes for awhile
What's your favorite food?
- air
If you were stranded on an island and could have only 5 things besides food and water, what would it be?
- a plane, a pilot, co-pilot, hot air stewardess and my lappy
Who is your crush?
- unless u want me dead then i will answer
What scent of shampoo do you use?
- shampoo scent
Am i cute?

What are you doing besides the survey?
- the necessities of living
How are you?

- still breathing
Is this survey boring?
- wad do u think
What do you like to do on the internet?
- definitely not this
Who is your boyfriend? if you're single, who do you want to be with?
- screw off im straight
What's your favorite movie?
- lord of the rings
What is your current theme song?
- do i look like hit tv show to u!
Anyting bothering you?
- yes!
Any pets? if so, what is it and what is its name?
- nope, i hope for a dog!
What do you think of Wal mart?
- wads that!
Are you sexy?
- WTFAG! ya as sexy as ur grandmama
Do you think trains are cool?
- this is spastic
Is school awesome?
- dunno yet
Who do you like?
- didn't u ask this alrdy
Why are you taking this survey?
- cause im bored
What car do you want?
- lambo
Have you been feelin loved
- most definitly
Have you had the guts to say I love you to anyone and mean it
- unfortunately yes
Do you love anyone right now
- ask me when u know me
Do you know anyone who loves you
- i wish i did...or maybe not
Do you have a stalker
- I am the stalker
Do you know if you have a stalker
- i dunno
Do you like someone who your friends dont approve of
- my frens dun know
Tell me what you are feeling right now
- irritated
This survey is all about feelin cause I am a girl what are you
- i am irritated
Do you care for this survey at all or did you want to express your feelings
- i wanted to express idiocy
How many times have you felt love
- counting doesn't help
If you have felt love explain if you can
Love is like a war, easy to begin, hard to end do you agree
- easy to begin?! why dun u teach me
Soo how many people have you felt a strong urge to just jump on them and makeout
- thats just wrong
I feel like crap when i get dumped explain your last dump
- i didn't even get picked up how to dump
For question 15 who and where and you
- im thaddeus, i think u mean where are you

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